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IS Student Opportunities

International Studies - Opportunities for Students

International Studies Courses in Criminology and Criminal Justice - Including Faculty-Led Study Abroad

Professor Lisa Decker (ISU Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice) coordinates courses and foreign travel with the University of Zagreb in Croatia. Her efforts provide opportunities for ISU students to study criminology and criminal justice in a comparative and international perspective. Open the pdf below for more details.

Study Abroad Scholarships

The International Studies Advisory Board is pleased to offer two $1200 scholarships to support study abroad programs in the coming year for students enrolled in the International Studies minor. Click on the link below for details on eligibility and application procedure.

Minor in International Studies for International Students

As international students come for their studies at Indiana State University with skills, interests, and experiences that are usually different from those of U.S. citizens, the International Studies curriculum allows certain accommodations that provide flexibility for international students who declare a minor in International Studies. All students can, of course, follow the standard curriculum. To read more about the special accommodations for international students, click on the link below.

Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Tours

Indiana State University offers a wide variety of short-term study abroad opportunities led by faculty members. These are organized through the Center for Global Engagement and change from year to year. The link below will take the readers to their website for more details on what they offer and what is required of students.

Note: These faculty-led short-term study abroad tours are a great way to build experience in foreign travel and study abroad. However, they are different from a traditional study abroad program, and participation does not constitute fulfillment of the study abroad requirement for the minor in International Studies.